Funded Projects

In keeping with Ministry of Education suggested fundraising guidelines, all Lakeview School Council fundraising is voluntary, safe, transparent, and aimed to provide complementary funding for student field trips, performances, and classroom enhancements.

School Council fundraising has supported the following projects:

School Year 2018-2019

  • Welcome Night Dance for new and returning students and their families
  • Funds for classroom enhancements and curriculum delivery support ($100 per teacher)
  • Purchase of Chromebooks
  • Scientists in School
  • Transportation for field trips such as Macskimming Outdoor Education Centre, Ski Days, Swim to Survive, and various other sporting events
  • Purchase of English Levelled Readers
  • Development and implementation of a Sensory Room
  • Purchase of outdoor sports equipment
  • Tradansa (Multi-cultural dance workshop)

School Year 2017-2018

  • Scientists in Schools
  • Ottawa Youth Orchestra
  • Red in the Hood theatrical performance
  • Luv 2 Groove and Tradansa Dance Workshops
  • transportation to many school activities/events
  • purchase of new chess sets for the chess club
  • 3 new chrome books for classroom use

School Year 2016-2017

  • Scientists in schools
  • Art performances – Rag and Bones Theatre group, Ottawa Youth Orchestra, Pigmania, Tradansa Dance Workshops
  • Mayfair
  • Transportation – provided to many school and sport activities
  • Discretionary funds to teachers for additional classroom and curriculum enhancements
  • School Council website for communication of school and council activities

School Year 2015-2016

  • Provided funds to staff for classroom enhancements and curriculum delivery support ($150 per teacher)
  • Provided $5000 to support staff initiatives to enhance Arts and Science programming, such as Scientists in the Schools and RBC Blues in the Schools
  • Funded new library soft seating (bean bags, cushions, book bench), new outdoor play equipment for kinder group, and new playground painting
  • Funded bus transportation for various intramural sports and field trip events
  • Directed use of the OCDSB’s $500 Parent Involvement Fund towards the Lakeview Welcome Night for free pizza, drinks and DJ music services
  • Co-sponsored a parent seminar on Internet and Social Media Safety (by Paul Davis) in collaboration with Grant Alternative School
  • Maintained School Council website for communication of school and council activities

School Year 2014-2015

  • Provision of discretionary funds to teachers for additional classroom and curriculum enhancements
  • Provision of lump sum funding to support bringing in Arts-, or Science-focussed workshops to students (e.g. Tradansa, NAC orchestra, Scientists in School)
  • Directed use of the OCDSB’s $500 Parent Involvement Fund towards the Lakeview Welcome Night for free pizza, drinks and DJ music services
  • Translation of the school walkability survey into Arabic to facilitate participation
  • Purchase of four (4) new Apple iPads and nine (9) ACER Chromebooks for use by the primary and junior classrooms
  • Purchase of new school sports vests (pinnies) with school crest and logo
  • Purchase of new school banner
  • Payment of bus transportation for various intramural sports and field trip events
  • Rays Reptiles presentation at 2015 Mayfair Community Event
  • Purchase of ski passes for parent volunteers attending the Grade 4/5 ski activity
  • Funding for purchase of playground toys for kinder classes
  • Ongoing maintenance of the Lakeview School Council website

School Year 2013-2014

  • Provision of discretionary funding to teachers for additional classroom and curriculum enhancements
  • Maintenance of Lakeview School Council’s website
  • Directed use of the OCDSB’s $500 Parent Involvement Fund to host a Welcome Night for school families held October 4, 2013
  • Purchase/installation of two (2) SMART boards which completed the initiative to equip all Grade 1 to 5 classrooms with this technology
  • Provided funding to support supplemental art, science and music programs in the school, recommended by staff, such as: performances by the National Arts Centre orchestra groups, the MASC’s drumming workshop, Scientists in Schools, and Tradansa dance workshop
  • Funded bus transportation for qualifying students to attend Track and Field and Cross-Country sport events
  • Provided funding for purchase of resources to support the school’s W.I.T.S anti-bullying program
  • Donated funds to support the school’s Kibera YMCA Initiative from the following fundraising activities: African Honey fundraiser/Read-a-Thon/one Movie Night
  • Contributed funding for the school’s 50th Anniversary celebration by funding a workshop that allowed every student with the opportunity to design and paint a tile that will be mounted on the school walls

School Year 2012-2013

  • Family Welcome Pizza/Dance Night at the start of the school year
  • Funds allotted for the purchase of two (2) SMART Boards (interactive whiteboards)
  • Provision of discretionary funds for each teacher and each classroom
  • Purchase of used French and English books for the school library
  • Creation of a Parent Resource and Book lending area in library
  • Development of the Lakeview School Council Website
  • Donation to the Kibera YMCA Project Read-a-Thon and pizza lunch for the winning class
  • Purchase of new Audio Equipment to improve the quality of our children’s performances and for Council’s Movie Nights
  • Tradansa International Dance Workshop for students
  • Leo Brooks Drumming Workshop for students
  • NAC String Quintet Performance
  • NAC performance of Peter & The Wolf
  • Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Mayfair (circus performance)
  • Sharpening of School’s inventory of used skates for students without skates
  • Bus transportation:
    • for qualifying students to attend the Fall cross-country meet
    • for qualifying students to attend the Spring track-field meet
    • for Grade 4 students to Upper Canada Village as part of their Medieval Studies unit

School Year 2011-2012

  • Discretionary funds for each teacher and classroom
  • Additional French books for the library
  • International Dance Workshop for students
  • New Star Theatre performance of Oliver
  • Performances by the Rideau Lakes Brass Quintet and the NAC Wind Quintet
  • Drum-making workshop for Grade 5
  • Transportation of students to the Fall cross-country meet and the Spring track-field meet
  • Transportation of Percu-chant performers to CentrePointe for a Rogers Cable performance.

School Year 2010-2011

  • Completion of the purchase and replacement of the Kindergarten Play-Structure (initiative began in 2009)
  • Transportation of qualifying students to the fall cross country meet and the spring track meet
  • Provision of discretionary funds for each teacher and classroom
  • Purchase of fans for portables
  • Purchase of new hockey nets & basketballs
  • Purchase of a new stage
  • New school banner
  • Coverage of costs for enrollment of our Grade 4 & 5 students in a mathematics contest
  • New Star Theatre’s production of The Wizard of OZ
  • Rideau Lakes Brass Quintet performance
  • NAC wind quintet performance
  • Dance workshop for full-day students

School Year 2009-2010

  • Transportation of qualifying students to the fall cross country meet and the spring track meet
  • Purchase of books for classrooms
  • Provision of discretionary funds for each teacher and classroom
  • Creation of two vegetable gardens
  • Purchased new headphones for the school’s computer lab
  • Purchased new snowshoes for students
  • Purchased new playground sports equipment for active play
  • Coverage of costs for enrollment of our Grade 4 & 5 students in a mathematics contest
  • Continued collection of funds towards the purchase of a new Kindergarten Play Structure
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