About Us

Our School

Lakeview Public School is a community school located at 35 Corkstown Road, off Carling Avenue near Andrew Haydon Park. We offer Bilingual Kindergarten (Year 1 and 2) and Early French Immersion instruction from Grade 1 to 6.  We do not offer a regular English program. 

Our Kindergarten program is Bilingual - 50% French and 50% English and our Early French Immersion program begins in Grade 1 and continues through to the end of Grade 6.

As a French Immersion Centre, we encourage an environment that is conducive to the development of second language skills. Our school operates under a Balanced School Day which means that the Grade 1 to 6 students have two 120 minute periods of uninterrupted learning. Each of these uninterrupted blocks is followed by a nutrition break consisting of a nutritious snack time and a recess time. The last learning block is 60 minutes. Each of these learning blocks allows the teachers more flexibility in their teaching and their students more time to learn and achieve without interruptions.

Our Students

Lakeview P.S. has an enrollment of approximately 285 students. Our students come from the Crystal Bay, Lakeview, Lynwood, and Bells Corners catchment areas. Approximately half of our students are bussed to and from school. Upon completion of Grade 6, our students attend Bell High School for Grade 7. 

Our Staff

Our teachers, educational assistants, early childhood educators, library, office, and custodial staff have a variety of educational backgrounds, interests, and experiences that enrich our learning community. Throughout the year staff upgrade their skills by taking part in curriculum development workshops such as mathematics, social studies, and the integration of the arts as well as other professional development.

Our staff work collaboratively as a professional learning community participating in monthly staff meetings focused on teaching practices that can increase student achievement. In addition to implementing the provincial curriculum, our staff organize a variety of extra curricular events and activities such as the Terry Fox Run, choir, chess, bordenball, soccer, volleyball, tech clubs, student council, and a variety of other teacher and student-led clubs, teams and intra-mural sports. Under staff guidance, our motivated students run various activities that stress their commitment to both their neighbours and the global community, such as the food drives and Toonie Tuesday for the Education Foundation.

Our Community

Lakeview P.S. benefits from strong parental and community support. Volunteers are a welcome presence in the school, reading with children, accompanying them on field trips, and organizing fundraising events, including pizza days. Newsletters, postings at the school, and our School Council website keep parents informed of School Council activities and encourage participation in meetings/events. Our School Council has raised money toward two play structures for the children to enjoy safely, technology, including interactive whiteboards, and many learning activities and field trips, offering valuable experiences to our students. 

We benefit from programming offered by the Ottawa Public Library and Ottawa Public Health as well as volunteers in our school from the Ottawa Network for Education (ONFE).

Facilities and Resources

Lakeview Public School is housed in a one-story building which has:

  • 10 homeroom classrooms within the school building
  • 3 portables classrooms
  • A bilingual library/resource centre with many books and videos, DVDs and CDs
  • A sensory room to support student needs
  • Technology in every room, including a projector or interactive whiteboard and a “tech tub” of devices for student use (chromebooks and/or iPads depending on the age of the students)
  • A gymnasium
  • Two quality soccer fields (in partnership with Nepean City Soccer Club)
  • A large and small play structure
  • a large collection of musical instruments, including drums, recorders and ukuleles

Unique to the school is its vicinity to Andrew Haydon Park, with a tunnel under Carling Avenue leading to it. Many classes visit this park on class field trips throughout the year. We are also located in close proximity to the Trans-Canada trail. In the winter months, our students take part in skating at our local community rink as well.

Academic Programs

We offer a 2 year Bilingual Kindergarten program and an Early French Immersion program from grade 1 to 6. All of our Kindergarten classes combine both Year 1 and Year 2 students. OCDSB's Bilingual Kindergarten program offers 50% English and 50% French learning. In Grades 1 to 6, students have one hour of Mathematics instruction daily taught in English. In grades 2 to 6, students also have one hour of English Language Instruction daily. Our Literacy resource room consists of various resources, including levelled books for guided reading, shared reading texts, read aloud materials, big books and graphic organizers in both languages to provide a rich reading and writing program. Our Mathematics resource room includes hands-on learning materials, and professional resources to support a balanced mathematics program for students.

We continue to expand our available reading materials, math resources, technology equipment, fitness equipment, and teaching resources to enable our students to succeed.

Special Education

A Learning Support Teacher (LST) assists classroom teachers to differentiate or modify a student’s program based on the needs of the student. The LST does educational assessments, meets with teachers, parents and support personnel. Teachers are assisted in the development of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) if required, and in differentiating curriculum expectations to meet student needs.

Learning Resource Teachers (LRTs) work with individual or small groups of children in or out of the classroom.