Lakeview Philosophy
At Lakeview Public School, we believe that the school is a learning
community with standards and expectations appropriate to an academic institution. We are an
academic learning environment, and negative behaviours will interfere with the well-being and
academic progress of other students. Our goal is to establish effective discipline throughout the
school so that children learn to eventually self-discipline. In order to ensure a safe and secure
environment, students must learn that the structure of the school community requires that its
students learn to comply with rules and limitations, and to follow directions given by the adults
who are in a legitimate position of authority (teachers, lunch supervisors, early childhood
educators, educational assistants, office personnel, administration, etc.).
The LPS staff is committed to the goal of ensuring the success and well-being of all of the
students in our care. Students must also learn the skills, attitudes and knowledge associated
with being responsible and cooperative members of the learning community so that they can
be self-disciplined and make appropriate independent choices that take the rights and needs of
others into account. Our goal is to help students be responsible, accountable, self-disciplined,
and self-confident so that that they experience a positive sense of self-worth which is
fundamental to healthy self-esteem. Our focus is to create a safe and caring atmosphere where
students develop self-respect, respect for others as well as respect for school property and the
environment. The philosophy at Lakeview Public School is based on the Ottawa-Carleton
District School Board’s mission statement and the Ministry of Education’s Guidelines for
student conduct. Students, staff and visitors have the right to a safe school environment, free
from intimidation, harassment and threat. Physical, verbal, sexual or psychological abuse,
bullying, discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, language, sexuality, disability or
any other attribute is considered unacceptable. We promote safe and caring school principles
and focus on the development of empathy, co-operation and equity among all members of our
school community.
Lakeview Code of Conduct
Always do your best.
Be accountable and responsible, be polite, respectful, honest and fair in all that you do.
Show kindness and include others.
Do the right thing always.
Listen when others are speaking and take turns.
Co-operate and follow school rules.
Follow through on commitments.
Keep hands and feet to yourself (so no physical contact).
Use appropriate language.
Respect personal belongings, others’ belongings, all school property and the
Follow the Golden Rule and treat people the way you would want to be treated.